Light language

Intuitive Art & Healing

For starseeds, lightworkers
and anyone who wants to

develop in life

soul drawing

Your personal cosmic light language
drawing attuned to your soul

20x20 cm €90,-
A4 format €111,-

A3 format €150,-
Excl. postage costs



Intuitive light language
drawing & writing

By appointment online

Per person (min. 2 p) €45,-
Private session €80,-


Lightcodes commissioned
logo, tattoo etc.
On paper and to digital files

Price on request

healing session

Light language healing session
in my practice in Ederveen,
online or remotely

Online €80,-
Distance Session €65,-
In my practice Ederveen €80,-

origanal art

The original drawings are there
on instagram,
look further on;

Galactic Druid Artwork

Price on request

Healing session

The universal language of the soul

With the light healing session you are supported to get out of your head and into your body, to actually feel, in connection with your heart and intuition.
I scan your energy field and your body for blockages, I help you release and drain them.
With my light language I activate the ability to heal yourself, I act as a channel and lighter at that moment.
A DNA upgrade is being done, so to speak, so that you can continue on your path. I also help you with my light language to remind you of the light language that is hidden in you.

I hear from my clients that they feel lighter and freer after a session, dare and be able to take the next steps.
And it often happens that the light language has awakened in themselves!

Written Lightcodes

In my drawings are light codes, written and drawn in different dialects from my multidimensional higher self in connection with the source.

These can be light codes from my Galactic, Angelic, Dragon and Natural Beings - Fae aspects and dimensions to lovingly support us.
Our subconscious understands this, just like with the gestures and the speaking of light language.
These light codes work through your energy field and are there to support and empower you and to help awaken the light within you.

Soul drawing

For a soul drawing I tune in to your energy, your higher self, your soul.
From there, a drawing is created that contains many layers and information especially for you.

To help you live your life here on earth as it is meant to be; from your heart in light, love, freedom and sovereignty.

Workshop light language writing & drawing online

When do you participate?

  • The language of light is new to you and you are exploring it
  • You have begun to write and draw symbols of light language codes or feel they are forthcoming
  • You speak and/or gesture light language and want to try if you can write these light codes as well
  • You feel attracted to the light language but have not expressed it further yet

We will start the workshop with a meditation, you will receive a light language activation from me to open up for the flow of creation and then we will begin.

The workshop is an invitation to draw from your intuition, your feelings, express what is going on inside you and understand what the light language means. How to support yourself with it in the first place.

During the workshop there is a safe space for everyone to express themselves, there is also room for light language speaking and gestures to encourage each other and express what wants to come out.

Coach and intuitive healer

I am a certified life coach; creating a save space for you during the healing and mentoring sessions is my first priority.

This is the time to look at, feel through and let go of the accumulated experiences and traumas from our childhood, past lives and recent experiences. Doing our shadowwork. 
By releasing and transforming, you get closer and closer to your true self, your core, and you can live more lightly.

We are much more than just our mind, our earthly body.
We are multidimensional beings of light with a great capacity to shape our own lives through manifestation, our thought power, through our intuition.

We can create, heal and support ourselves and others with abilities that are yet to be discovered.
Let the light language help you with this!

Photo at the dunes: Renske Zwaan Photography